This time next week, I will be in Rishikesh, North India, for the begining of a 6 week stay at the home of yoga. I return annually to study under Usha Devi at Omgarananda Ganga Sedan ashram, Iyengar Yoga. Its a beautiful and fully equiped Iyengar studio right on the sacred river to Hindus the Ganges, amazing sunrise and sunset. The day starts early, persoanl practise from 7 - 11am, long breakfast, maybe a snooze, swim and plenty of sweet chai in the numerous tea shops. Back to the Centre before 6pm for a limber up before class from 6.00 - 7.30pm.
Usha has a strict style and ensures we all work to our maximum, showing us how far we can go in a pose and than taking us further. It is a challenge physically and mentally to maintain the 'activity' required in the asana, but progress is always made. Each evenign is finished with dinner and as Rishikesh is a pilgrim site for most hindus, there is no alcohol, meat or eggs available, and pretty much everywhere is closed by 10pm, which prevents late nigths, sore heads and lie ins. Its easy to be disciplined in place with few distractions!!I find the fact I get to do so much yoga 6 days a week a real luxury and don't miss any aspect of the western xmass. For me Rishikesh is a haven. I hope to keep updating this whilst away, but I warn you, it will be yoga yoga all the way.